CALA is an AGRA-led initiative

Supporting Africa’s agriculture sector leaders to deliver transformational change.

The Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA) has been established to support leaders spearheading agriculture transformation and the advancement of sustainable practices.

Learn more about CALA

Dr. Agnes Kalibata

Achieving Africa’s food security and economic growth requires leaders who are responsive, adaptable and collaborative, while also integrating new strategies for environmentally sustainable agriculture.

Dr. Agnes Kalibata
President, AGRA


Advanced Leadership Programme

Africa’s food security challenges require results-oriented leaders in government, the private sector and civil society who are responsive, adaptable, and able to lead collaboration, mobilize real change, and ensure delivery of country priorities.

CALA’s Advanced Leadership Programme is a collaborative, hands-on, and tailored experience for senior and rising leaders in Africa’s agriculture sector. The programme is designed for individuals spearheading and directly implementing specific country-level agriculture initiatives.

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Latest updates

AGRA Announces Open of CALA’s Advanced Leadership Programme Fourth Cohort Applications

AGRA Announces Open of CALA’s Advanced Leadership Programme Fourth Cohort Applications

15th May 2024


AGRA has announced the opening of applications for the third cohort of the Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA)’s Advanced Leadership Programme, designed for rising stars(upcoming technical leaders) and established executives from across Africa’s agriculture sector in government, the private sector, and civil society.

The Advanced Leadership programme is the continent’s premier leadership programme, tailored to support developing leaders in advancing agriculture transformation across the continent through the improved capacity to lead the implementation of country agriculture flagship programmes and national agriculture priority programmes.

Alumni Spotlight: Leading the Charge for Sustainable Agriculture in Africa

Alumni Spotlight: Leading the Charge for Sustainable Agriculture in Africa

24th October 2023


“Knowledge empowers leaders. It’s the catalyst for change,” says Peter Juma Lugendo, an alumnus of the Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA) and the President and Chief Operating Officer at Kickstart. Peter’s journey through agriculture is a testament to what can be achieved when visionary leaders are armed with knowledge and driven by a profound purpose.

Through his training, Peter gained a deeper understanding of collaborative leadership and the art of setting SMART goals. These newfound skills supported his goal to create a nurturing environment at Kickstart, where team members thrive and perform effectively.

Alumni Spotlight: Promoting Sustainable Food Systems in Uganda- A World Food Day Special Edition

Alumni Spotlight: Promoting Sustainable Food Systems in Uganda- A World Food Day Special Edition

16th October 2023


In the Pearl of Africa, a determined alumna of the Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA), Rachel Ajambo, is on a mission to revolutionize food systems and combat global hunger. As the world is celebrating World Food Day with the theme “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind,” Rachel’s story serves as a testament to the power of education, collaboration, and commitment.

Rachel’s journey with CALA broadened her perspective on value chain development and food system transformation. With newfound knowledge, she delved into the complexities of managing water for production, a topic deeply connected to this year’s World Food Day theme.

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The Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA) is made possible with the friendly support of:

German Cooperation