CALA’s Advanced Leaders Programme Connect Session

The Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA) is hosting an info session on Thursday 3rd June 2021 at 1.30 p.m. EAT/ 11.30 a.m. WA Time & GMT. The session will provide more insight and answers about the programme.

Join us for an insightful info session happening on Thursday 3rd June 2021 at 1.30 p.m. EAT/ 11.30 a.m. WA Time & GMT. We’ll be answering all your questions on programme structure, benefits, key dates and FAQs.

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Featured Speakers:

  •  Dr. Apollos Nwafor, Vice President – Policy, State Capability and Regional Food Trade, AGRA
  • Robert Ouma – Regional Director, Policy Link
  • Rebecca Harrison- CEO, African Management Institute

The Advanced Leaders Programme in Food Security and Sustainability is a highly selective, prestigious 16-month leadership programme which will support delivery-focused leaders in government, the private sector, and civil society with the practical skills to navigate, coordinate, and better implement solutions to national agriculture challenges. The programme will be offered through the Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA), an Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) led initiative and will be co-implemented by the African Management Institute (AMI) and USAID’s Policy Link.

About AGRA

Founded in 2006, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), is an African-led African-based organization that seeks to catalyze Agriculture Transformation in Africa. AGRA is focused on putting smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives. As the sector that employs the majority of Africa’s people, nearly all of them small-scale farmers, AGRA recognizes that developing smallholder agriculture into a productive, efficient, and sustainable system is essential to ensuring food security, lifting millions out of poverty, and driving equitable growth across the continent.

 About AMI

AMI enables ambitious businesses and leaders across Africa to thrive, through practical tools and training. We equip leaders with tools to build their business, help companies train their teams and run work readiness programmes for young people starting their careers. AMI’s programmes combine online and mobile tools with interactive workshops and on-the-job practice and support. During the COVID period AMI is delivering fully virtual programming across the continent.

AMI has worked with a range of businesses and organisations to support entrepreneurs and managers build and grow their businesses across Africa including Uber, Nestle, Radisson Blu, Mastercard Foundation, USAID, Shell Foundation and Equity Bank. AMI has directly trained over 30,000 people in over 35 countries. 

AMI has offices in Nairobi, Kenya, Kigali, Rwanda, and Johannesburg, South Africa.

For more information on AMI visit:  

About Policy LINK 

Policy LINK is a global Feed the Future program to advance leadership and collaboration for better policy systems. Feed the Future is America’s global hunger and food security initiative, led by USAID.

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The Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA) is made possible with the friendly support of:

German Cooperation