CALA Governance – IAC

CALA Independent Advisory Committee

AGRA has formed the Centre’s inaugural Independent Advisory Committee (IAC) to provide high level, strategic advice on CALA’s curriculum offerings, and champion CALA’s efforts in the sector. The IAC supports CALA’s development into a Centre for Excellence in leadership development for Africa’s agriculture sector.

Consisting of a wide-range of distinguished leaders across African agriculture, committee members bring deep, practical experience in various aspects of agriculture advisory and delivery. As a complement to the work of CALA’s implementing partners, CALA’s IAC will provide the following value to the Centre’s operations:

  • Provide independent thought leadership to inform the responsiveness, relevance and timeliness of offerings to sector leaders’ implementation challenges
  • Inform the learning ethos and evolution of CALA
  • Advocate for CALA’s work supporting Agriculture sector leaders across Africa

The Centre for African Leaders in Agriculture (CALA) is made possible with the friendly support of:

German Cooperation